Yellow coats now available for sale
As members would be aware, we supply yellow dog coats at KODTC. They are worn by dogs who are not comfortable being close to other dogs or people. These dogs may not have had the necessary socialisation with other dogs or people as pups or as they grew up, or maybe had an traumatic encounter with another dog or person at some stage. They are usually fearful if put in the 'wrong' situation, and to protect themselves may use aggression to try to defend themselves. Hence the need for the yellow coat to let people know that they need space.
KODTC has previously had coats for members to borrow for the morning's training. However it has usually meant that the dog is left in the car while the member comes down to get the coat and then has to return to the car to fit the coat to the dog.
To make life easier for members, we have some yellow coats available for sale. The sizes are Small, Medium and Large (no larger sizes available). They are $7.50 each and are available from the kiosk.
We still have the usual yellow coats available for members to borrow.
Pictured is Julie's Griffon modelling a small sized 'yellow coat'.